hadas de flores . flower fairies

Hada de malvarosa
hada de malvarosa

Hada de malvarosa (Hollyhock fairy)

materiales (materials)

unas tijeras (pair of scissors)

un palillo (toothpick)

un capullo de malvarosa (Hollyhock bud, unopened)

una flor abierta (a Hollyhock flower, fully blossomed)

los pasos (the steps)

  1. quita los sépalos del capullo [remove the sepals from the bud - they are the green, leaflike parts that protect the bud - see photo above]

  2. corta el tallo del capullo (deja media pulgada) [cut the stem from the bud (leaving one-half inch)]

  3. corta el tallo de la flor, cerca de la base [cut the stem from the flower, near the base]

  4. usa el palillo para hacer un agujero en el centro de la base [use the toothpick to make a hole in the center of the base of the open flower]

  5. inserta el capullo en la base de la flor [insert the stem of the bud into the base of the flower]

    opcional: Para un sombrero, coloca otra flor encima de la cabeza (el capullo) [For a hat, place another flower upside down on the head (the bud)]


violetas azucaradas . sugared violets