la candelaria . candlemas


If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Winter will not come again.

Si por la Candelaria buen tiempo hiciera
aún tardará mucho la primavera
pero si en tal día se pone a llover
el invierno se ha ido para no volver.


A friend from Argentina shared the Spanish language version of this poem with me. It was very sunny on February 2nd which, according to the poem, promises spring’s late arrival.


Despite the Calendaria prediction, we did enjoy a very warm day yesterday - in the 50s! We pulled supplies out to the front porch for nature study (along with blankets and warm tea to keep the chill off). We discovered Audubon’s Guía de aves a few years ago and it has been a wonderful resource. We use it for identifying birds around our home and it offers a nice way to incorporate Spanish names and descriptors into our first grader’s bird study using the Burgess Bird Book.


el calendario perpetuo de la naturaleza . perpetual nature calendar


hierbas y semillas . herbs and seeds